Romanian survey is online now!
The Romanian survey is online now and is available at:
Prof. Ortega-Ruiz advertises Europe 2038 in the radio
This week, Rosario Ortega was interviewed by Cadena Ser Córdoba,…
Italian Survey is online now!
The Italian version of the survey is online now and is available…
Spanish survey is online now!
The Spanish version of the survey is online now and is available…
German survey is online now!
Der Online Survey ist ab nun auch in Deutschland online. Bis…
Austrian survey in the newspaper!
This week, the Austrian survey was advertised in the newspaper…
Advertising for online survey in Austria
The online survey was launched in Austria during the long night…
Austrian survey is online now!
Today, the project “Europe 2038” participates in the Austrian…
Europe 2038 is in the TRU.CO Bulletin of the University of Cordoba
The University of Cordoba, through the Knowledge Transference…
Students help designing survey
Twenty students of the master program of Social Work (MSO15,…
EduGroup presents Europe 2038
The project Europe 2038 was presented to Austrian teachers by…
Preparatory Meeting
The preparatory meeting took place in Linz, January 11-14. Twenty…