
Eszter Kapéter

Eszter Kapéter

Fachhochschule Oberösterreich Campus Linz

Eszter ist in Ungarn aufgewachsen und hat dort an der Illyés Gyula Pädagogischen Fakultät der Universität Pécs Sozialarbeit studiert. Sie arbeitet seit 2004 beim Verein I.S.I. in Oberösterreich, zuerst als Jugendbetreuerin im Jugendzentrum und seit 2007 als Streetworkerin. Aktuell besucht sie den Masterstudienlehrgang Sucht- und Gewaltprävention in pädagogischen Handlungsfeldern in Linz. Neben der Erstellung ihrer Masterthesis arbeitet sie im Projekt “Europa 2038” mit. Ihre Schwerpunkte liegen im Jugendbereich, insbesondere in der aufsuchenden, mobilen Jugendarbeit sowie in der Sucht- und Gewaltprävention im Jugendalter. Eszter interessiert sich für die Erschließung schwer erreichbarer Zielgruppen, niederschwellige soziale Arbeit, für Salutogenese, Drogenmündigkeit, Konsumkompetenz und die Lebenswelten der Jugendlichen.

Dagmar Strohmeier

Dagmar Strohmeier

Fachhochschule Oberösterreich Campus Linz

FH-Prof. PD Dr. Mag. Dagmar Strohmeier ist seit 2011 Professorin für Interkulturelle Kompetenz an der Fachhochschule Oberösterreich am Campus Linz. Sie habilitierte sich 2014 an der Universität im Fach Psychologie, wo sie 2006 auch promovierte. Von 1996 bis 2001 studierte sie an der Karl-Franzens Universität Graz Psychologie, Philosophie sowie Türkische Sprache und Kultur. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Gleichaltrigenbeziehungen bei Jugendlichen, (Cyber)mobbing sowie Mobbingprävention in der Schule und Interkulturelle Soziale Arbeit. Sie entwickelte gemeinsam mit Kolleginnen das WiSK Programm, das nicht nur in Österreich großflächig implementiert wurde, sondern seit 2012 auch in Rumänien, Zypern und der Türkei eingesetzt wird. Dr. Strohmeier wurde 2015 zur Forscherin des Jahres Oberösterreich nominiert, war 2011 Forscherin des Jahres der Fachhochschule Oberösterreich und gewann 2009 den Bank Austria Hauptpreis für innovative Forschung.

Hanna Steiner

Hanna Steiner

Fachhochschule Oberösterreich Campus Linz

Hanna Steiner (Jg. 1997) hat im Juni 2016 am Musikgymnasium in Graz erfolgreich die Matura absolviert. Bevor Hanna im Herbst 2017 zu studieren beginnt, arbeitet sie von Februar bis Juni 2017 im Europa 2038 Projekt als Praktikantin mit. Während des Praktikums, das Hanna schwerpunktmäßig in Rumänien absolviert, führt sie Workshops in deutscher und englischer Sprache an Schulen mit Jugendlichen durch. Hanna hat während des Praktikums die Möglichkeit das Land, in dem ihre Mutter geboren wurde, besser kennenzulernen.


Edmond Dragoti

Edmond Dragoti

Tirana University

Prof. Dr. Edmond Dragoti, Professor at Tirana University, Faculty of Social Sciences is a senior national professional with over 30 years of experience in social psychology and social research. Prof. Dr. Dragoti’s expertise includes public information’s, social mobilizations, communications training; social and public health education and research, social psychology, adolescence, migration and market research. He has occupied important positions in Albanian government as advisor of Albanian Prime minister (2002), Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports (2004-2005), Rector of Berat Public University (2005), part time Professor at Athens University, Greece, in the course “Masters Degree in Southeast European Studies”( 1999-2002). He was a Chief of the Department of Social Work & Applied Psychology, Tirana University (1992-1999). Actually he is chief of Department of Social Work and Social Policy and senior lecturer at the public Universities in Elbasan, Durres and Shkoder.

Rudina Rama

Rudina Rama

Tirana University

Dr. Rudina Rama is a lecturer at the Department of Social Work and Social Policy, Tirana University since 2003. Rudina received her doctorate in Social Work after completing a master in Social Work and a master in Public Administration by Tirana University and Nebraska University. She has professional and research experiences in public relations, public health, disability, street children and adolescence, patients rights, burnout in human services and project management. She is the co-founder of the bachelor degree in Social Administration and Social Policy and the Centre of Excellence of the Faculty of Social Science, Tirana University.


Andrea Bittner

Andrea Bittner

Universität Passau

Andrea Bittner ist als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Zentrum für Schlüsselkompetenzen (ZfS) der Universität Passau tätig. Ihre Hauptaufgabe ist die Evaluation der Seminare und Kurse des ZfS. Sie ist zudem verantwortlich für die Einführung von E-Learning-Methoden und –Instrumente in die Seminare. Andrea Bittner konnte während ihres Studiums der Wirtschaftspädagogik an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) sowie während ihrer Tätigkeit in einer Münchner Unternehmensberatung Erfahrungen im Bereich der Evaluation gewinnen.

Detlef Urhahne

Detlef Urhahne

Universität Passau

Prof. Dr. Detlef Urhahne ist ein pädagogischer Psychologe. Er erwarb seinen Doktortitel am Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften in Kiel. Prof. Urhahne arbeitete zehn Jahre an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, wo er sich habilitierte. Nach einem kurzen Aufenthalt an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, wo er ein Zentrum für hochbegabte Kinder gründete, nahm Prof. Urhahne einen Ruf an die Universität Passau an. Dort arbeitet er mit Lehramtsstudierenden und als Vorsitzender des Zentrums für Schlüsselkompetenzen. Sein Hauptforschungsinteressen liegen in den Bereichen Motivation, Lernen und Lehren, Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik, Diagnostik und Evaluation.


Simona C. S. Caravita

Simona C. S. Caravita

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Simona C. S. Caravita is Associate Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Italy), and collaborates with the Center of Research on Developmental and Educational Dynamics (Catholic University). She is a psychologist, received a degree in Philosophy from the Catholic University in 1998, and a degree in Psychology from the University of Pavia in 2003. In 2007 she received a PhD in Psychology from the Catholic University. Her research interests mainly encompass bullying, discrimination, aggressive behavior in childhood and adolescence, moral development, and peer-relationships in childhood and adolescence.

Elisa Donghi

Elisa Donghi

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Elisa Donghi is a developmental psychologist, she received a degree in Developmental and Communication Psychology from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy. Elisa collaborates with the Center of Research on Developmental and Educational Dynamics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, and, she is currently attending a psychotherapy school in Cognitive Psychotherapy and Research (Italy). Elisa’s interests are both clinical: specific learning disabilities, psychopathology, and related to psychological research on the topics of bullying and cyberbullying, aggressive behavior, moral development, and peer relationships in childhood and adolescence.

Angela Mazzone

Angela Mazzone

“G. d’Annunzio” University Chieti

Angela Mazzone received her PhD in Psychology from “G. d’Annunzio” University, Chieti - Italy. Her main research interests include the associations between school-bullying and moral emotions and moral disengagement. She is also interested in combining theoretical frameworks from Developmental and Social Psychology in the study of social exclusion among youths.
In particular, her research focuses on short and long-term behavioral and physiological responses to social exclusion. Angela was a visiting research fellow at the Department of Social Work, University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria, Linz between October 2015 and February 2016.


Carmen Hortensia Bora

Carmen Hortensia Bora

University of Oradea

Carmen Hortensia Bora has a position as a lecturer in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Socio-Humanistic Sciences, University of Oradea. She is certified by the Romanian College of Psychologists as a clinical psychologist and rational emotive and behavioral psychotherapist. Her area of interest is represented by the mental health of children and adolescents, which is reflected in her publications and in her participation in research grants (Reducing aggressiveness in school through rational emotive and behavioral education, Effectiveness of school based prevention programs for aggressive behaviors). She is a founding member of the Romanian Counseling Psychology Association.

Simona Trip

Simona Trip

University of Oradea

Simona Trip has a position of full profesor in the Department of Psychology, University of Oradea. She is the coordinator of a graduate program in clinical psychology, counseling psychology and psychotherapy. Her training in counseling psychology and psychotherapy was done under the direct supervision of Dr. Albert Ellis, Dr. Allen Ivey and Dr. Patricia Arredondo. She is a certified supervisor in rational emotive and behavioral thaerapy. Currently, she is the president of the Romanian Counseling Psychology Association. Her research interests are related to rational emotive and behavioral education and she is the author of a few intervention programs in this area.

Gabriel Roşeanu

Gabriel Roşeanu

University of Oradea

Gabriel Roşeanu PhD is a lecturer of psychology at the University of Oradea with over 11 years of teaching experience. He is executive editor of the Romanian Journal of School Psychology, assistant editor of the International Journal of Education and Psychology in the Community and an international affiliate of the American Psychology Association. He is the author and co author of over 45 articles published in specialty journals within the field of psychology, over 10 chapters in psychology books, and over 35 research papers presented at conferences. His has conducted numerous courses and workshops on various topics within the field of psychology.


Carmen Viejo

Carmen Viejo

University of Cordoba

Dr. Carmen Viejo is Lecturer in the Psychology Department at the University of Cordoba (Spain). She teaches courses related to Educational and Developmental Psychology for infants and adolescents for degree and master Level students. As researcher of the Laboratory for Convivencia Studies and Prevention of Violence (www.uco.es/laecovi), she has developed several studies on adolescent’s romantic relationships and dating violence, taking part in different national and international projects. The results of these projects were published both as scientific articles and book chapters, and presented at national and international scientific congresses.

Rosario Ortega-Ruiz

Rosario Ortega-Ruiz

University of Cordoba

Rosario Ortega-Ruiz is professor (full professor) of Psychology at the University of Cordoba (Spain) and visiting professor at the University of Greenwich (UK). She is the principal investigator of the Laboratory for Convivencia Studies and Prevention of Violence (www.uco.es/laecovi). She obtained a Dir. Master and PhD in Applied Psychology. She has developed a long history of research in interpersonal relationships, children’s play, psychology aggressiveness: school violence and bullying, cyberbullying and dating violence in international projects and published over one hundred scientific articles and ten books on these subjects. She is vice president of the International Observatory on Violence in Schools. She was a member manager of the National Evaluation and Foresight Science of Spain ANEP; National Assessment of Academic Quality -ANECA- and currently Spain is the European Reseach Council ERC- Commission SH4 and SH2.

Mercedes Gómez-López

Mercedes Gómez-López

University of Cordoba

She is a PhD student at the department of Psychology, University of Cordoba and a research assistant at the Laboratorio de Estudios sobre Convivencia y Prevención de la Violencia Escolar y Juvenil (www.uco.es/laecovi). She was a collaborator in the regional research project "Social competences and social relationships during schools years". Supervised by Dr. Carmen Viejo and Prof. Rosario Ortega-Ruiz, her PhD is about romantic relationships and wellbeing during adolescence.

Vereinigtes Königreich

Martyn Barrett

Martyn Barrett

University of Surrey

Martyn Barrett is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the University of Surrey, UK. He is a developmental and social psychologist but has a strong commitment to multidisciplinary research. His primary research interests are focused on young people, race, ethnicity and nation, including the societal challenges which arise from cultural diversity. He is particularly interested in the development of intergroup attitudes, intercultural competence, and the development of civic attitudes and active citizenship in young people. He has worked as an expert for the Council of Europe since 2006 and is currently leading a CoE flagship project on Competences for Democratic Culture. For further information, please see www.martynbarrett.com

Chris Fife-Schaw

Chris Fife-Schaw

University of Surrey

Chris Fife-Schaw is a Professor of Psychology and former Head of Psychology at the University of Surrey. His research has included studies of young people’s responses to AIDS/HIV, young people’s orientations towards new technologies, public responses to genetic technologies, risk perception, perceptions of food-related hazards and communication of water-borne hazards. He lectures in social psychology, research methods and statistics and his research interests are in health promotion, risk perception, models of behavioural regulation, and developing alternative measures of attitudes that do not involve questionnaires.

Harriet Tenenbaum

Harriet Tenenbaum

University of Surrey

Harriet Tenenbaum is a Reader in Psychology at the University of Surrey. She is interested in how children learn from everyday interactions with others, such as conversations with parents and peers. She has two main lines of research. First, she is interested in how children learn about everyday science and emotion understanding. Much of this work has focused on how child gender influences conversations about science and emotion. Second, her work focuses on children’s reasoning about social issues, such as children’s rights (and especially rights for others) and rejection based on social groups. She is the Editor of the British Journal of Educational Psychology.

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